Thursday, August 27, 2009

Administration raises 10-year deficit to $9 trillion
February promise to cut deficit in half by end of first term

Let me begin this post by defining a budget deficit. If you decide to spend more money this month than you take in, you would be operating in a budget deficit. Although risky, these actions do have a place in business and personal life; we've all floated a check due to low balance or moved a debt onto credit cards to hold off payment till a later date. The choice of deficit is not necessarily right or wrong, but rather the outcome of circumstance.

The more important consideration of 'wise or foolish?' with these actions is often tied to the principal of the loan and the amount of time the debt will be outstanding. In the instance of a mortgage payment, needing money for groceries, etc., it is easy to understand the plight of the person in need, but when the debt is nearing the Gross Domestic Product and the term of the loan is in the parlance of generations, the ethical weight of the decision is increased exponentially.

Without making judgments as to the value of the myriad programs subsidized by the Federal government, it is still possible to look at the math of the subject objectively. The debt is simply too much.

The operation of all administrations during recent times have bought into the ideal of credit lines and payment deferral. When dealing with such an outlook the answer to the question of 'if' an entity will fail is obvious, the more intriguing inquiry is 'when?'

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Short Introduction

I am of the firm belief that before any validity can be given to the opinions of an individual, a modest amount of information should be provided to give the reader some form of insight into the motivations and character of the writer, so without further ado, a bit about myself:

I was born and raised in Danville, Kentucky where I attended public school until graduation in the year 2000. After completing my high school education the undertaking of entering the industrial workforce was had, but to no avail. After several attempts at different means and methods of production were made, the realization that factory work would not be acceptable was clear.

One year after entering the work force an impasse was reached and the decision to join the military was made. I do not intend to elaborate on the particulars of this period of my life due to experiences with prejudgment and detectable changes in the demeanor and dispositions of those I converse with, suffice to say that I weigh the knowledge gained during this time heavily and if presented the option of a second attempt at life, the course would be traveled in much the same way.

My political views have been fiercely independent and sometimes rather unconventional. I refused to vote in the past two elections out of protest, the idea that not voting invalidates any opinion of the non-voter seeming a bit absurd. I don't believe much in the simplicity of labels, for once a thing is labeled it can be discriminated against, its arguments misrepresented or the worst case scenario, its ethical tenants can be turned into sound-bites, reduced to fragments of ideology that are easily refuted.

Having made myself known, I look forward to providing opinions and different perceptions on the current actions of our political system. The wealth of information and the rate at which it is released is daunting, but I will make a humble attempt.