Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The function of the individual is one of the more dominant topics in modern philosophical and political debate, providing an abundance of opinions that are seemingly as workable and correct as the next. In a situation such as this, contrasting views and those harboring dissent should be sought out to gain the most thorough understanding of the events.

The documentary The People Speaks gives an alternate telling of history in America, shedding light on oft forgotten ills of the common citizen. This pursuit of truth and understanding has led to my research into the composition and actions of the State in its various forms and the validity of those actions in light of the misdeeds done in good intention.

The research material is an attempt at thorough representation of various methods of thought and social structure to provide the greatest amount of contrast to the argument at hand. If the risk presented by the formation of the State outweighs its benefits, can we ethically validate its existence?

Trotsky, Leon. The Revolution Betrayed. New York: Pathfinder Press, 1973. Print.

The writing of Leon Trotsky is a look inside the events leading up to and after the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks in Russia that lead to the creation of the Soviet Union. Trotsky provides commentary of the failings of the revolution after its rise to power as well as analysis of the short comings of Stalinism.

This work will be important to show the ideals of communism as understood by one of the founders of the communist movement. Trotsky was a prominent figure in the infancy of the Soviet Union and his thoughts and observations provide valuable insight into the operations of a large scale collective.

Rand, Ayn. Atlas Shrugged. New York: Signet Press, 1996. Print.

This work of Ayn Rand begins the foundation for the philosophical belief of Objectivism and illustrates many of the beliefs and implications of its use. Rand’s views are expressed thoroughly in the story of a revolt of the productive classes against an oppressive society.

Rand lays groundwork for individualist thought and morality with her views into the motivations of the singular person in society. The proper structure of a functioning group is explored in the fiction as well as the short comings of bureaucracy and distribution of resources. This opinion will lay the groundwork for the rugged individual in my writing.

Duncan, Craig. Libertarianism: For and Against. Lanham, Maryland: 2005. Print.

Craig Duncan provides commentary on the positive and negative aspects of libertarianism in modern America. The writing is a collection of essays on topics both for and against varying degrees of libertarianism and liberal thought.

The libertarian attempts to seek a supposed balance in government and individual liberty in a society. Best described as the stance ‘bridging the gap’ between bipartisan politics, the possibility of its use in representation will be considered.

Simon, Julian L. The Ultimate Resource 2. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. Print.

Julian Simon was a professor of business administration and wrote many articles and papers on economic subjects. The Ultimate Resource 2 summarizes the cornucopian worldview and stands in stark contrast to Malthusian theory and resource scarcity. The Simon-Ehrlich wager in the 1980’s was a functional test of Simon’s theories and cemented the validity of his predictions in the markets.

The use of resources by the people has been under debate since our first experiences with scarcity: should the community step in and provide rationing or are the people capable of regulating themselves? Simon posits that bureaucratic intervention only adds to the problem and that the people, free in commerce, will find viable alternatives by their own right.

Church Committee Reports. The Assassination Archives and Research Center. Founded 1984, operated by History Matters.

The Church Committee was formed in response to the unsettling revelations of the Watergate scandal. As congress realized the shortcomings in oversight of the intelligence communities, an 11 person committee was formed to hold hearings on the actions of operatives and their legality.

These hearings show the steps that will be taken by an entity that identifies itself as Democratic and representative of its people.

“CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe.” Wikileaks release., 26 Mar. 2010.

The usage of persuasion and propaganda in foreign policy is not a remnant from the past, rather an often utilized tool in the War on Terror and the shaping of support from allies.

The report shows the implementation of questionable acts even in the current political environment and supposedly watchful eye of government regulation.

Rudmin, Floyd W. Bordering on Aggression: Evidence of US Military Preparation. Nashville: Voyageur Publishing, 1993. Print.

Floyd Rudmin provides a glimpse into the strange contingency plans created by US foreign policy in attempts at protecting its interests. The plan for invading Canada as a preemptive strike against British aggression was named ‘War Plan Red’ and demonstrates the ability of the state to anticipate harsh actions.

Thompson, Nicholas. Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine. Wired Magazine, September, 2009.

Thompson’s investigation into the existence of the Soviet Doomsday device ‘Deadhand’ provides a startling look into the steps taken by a state entity to safe guard its existence. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union built a series of devices capable of delivering a retaliatory strike if it fell victim to a surprise attack, an attempt to deter such tactics by the West. The history of this system is outlined in the writing, highlighting the fact that its purpose as a deterrent would have been better served had its existence been revealed.

The development and existence of such measures illustrates the gross extremes that an entity will take to guarantee its survival in a competitive environment.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Peoples Media

Before the modern networking that dominates today's lifestyle, news was handed down from large, well funded print and broadcast companies and spread amongst the people along accepted routes of communication. In this response to the article "Audience Atomization Overcome" by Jay Rosen (1), the changing landscape of information and what it could mean for the population at large will be discussed.

Atomization is a description of the overpowering media distribution system that existed before the adoption of the internet; small independent newsletters and public access cable have been in operation, but the money and influence present in commercial outlets greatly overshadows these sources. The effect that this monopoly has had on our freedoms and democracy has been quite insidious, the consolidation of belief that results in an easily controlled audience is a very useful tool to those that seek to maintain and regulate power.

The top down format of information access has led to very isolated opinions that are usually quite polarized; like-minded people often associate with one another and discuss the programming that they each consume without consideration of contrasting views. Lateral discourse is rendered non-existent, people are 'told' what the valid beliefs of others are, effectively being led by the nose to conclusions that are selected by a controlling few. This is the problem that atomization strives to define and that the internet may be the answer to.

In Rosen's article, an illustration popularized by Daniel C. Hallin is used to show the stratification of opinions that is fostered by the mainstream press. The diagram is a set of two concentric circles that show the relationship between common views; the smallest circle being common beliefs not subject to scrutiny, a second larger ring to describe common ideas that are in public discourse and an outer field that is the realm of deviance, opinions that are considered to have no foundation or to be of little consequence to the public. These spheres of control result in an alarming authority of the press, a situation in which we commonly discard or are not exposed at all to radical views and contrary beliefs.

The upswing in the number of citizens online has led to a debasement of this authority, we are exposed daily to myriad sources of information that are often in opposition to one another and carry equally recognized reputations. The active searching required by the internet is rather different than the passive viewing that takes place in conventional sources, but an uninformed individual adrift in a sea of 'news' could carry its own perils.

The shift to an online lifestyle has created a space for many opposing points, but the free access to knowledge could lead to a confusing flurry of information that swamps even the most intrepid of explorers. In a time when much of our tangible world moves toward cyberspace to meet nearly all of their needs, how are we to distinguish between an institution of legitimacy and those that reside within the realm of speculation?

As universities begin to teach online, our shopping is done online and our social life is online, what worth can be given to the brick and mortar that houses our material world? My main concern is that, if our past carelessness is an indication, our future credible sources of journalism will be in direct competition with middle aged men blogging in their underwear from their mothers basement.


*author was fully clothed during the writing of this article

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back At It

It's always enjoyable to be given the opportunity to continue a prior project, luckily the new semester of English I've enrolled in has allowed the students to continue their blogs from the previous semester.

I intend to continue with a political commentary and may move to include other contemporary social issues in my writings as well. I find the current administration and the actions of the global theater very intriguing and will do my best to bring varied sources together in an attempt at a dynamic analysis.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Role Reversal

I don't mean this to be a defense of Fox News or an attempt at validating the attacks brought against the company, rather an explanation of my confusion on the subject. It seems to me that the same short sightedness, advocacy and opinion based reporting that appears to corrupt this organization is prevalent in the entire realm of journalism. The idea that one pundit is over the top while another acts within the constraints of decency seems to be directly related to the political affiliation of the administration in office.

Liberal host Keith Olbermann often called former President George Bush a Nazi or any number of other pejorative expressions while conservative affiliates such as Bill O'Reilly labeled Olbermann as unpatriotic or a threat to the American way of life. This idea has been the subject of role reversal as of late: Republican talking heads spout McCarthy era rhetoric while Democrats degrade the necessity and sincerity of protesters.

So why the double standards? Shouldn't political dissent be valued regardless of the administration and their party affiliation? I have addressed the issue of advocacy before in this blog and the topic does not appear to be waning, just simply changing costume. If the government is to be leb by the will of the people, we must identify the information that is rooted in fact and remove all others from our conscience.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weather Forecast: Is The Recession Just Beginning?

In a time when foreclosure rates are steadily rising, unemployment tops 10% and the federal administration is drawn into the market of saving business designated 'too big to fail,' are we seeing a crisis in its death throes or the coming maturity of the bastard child of corporate interest and government intervention? Given the current state of affairs in this nation the outcome is hard to forecast, although to refuse the possibility of a savage storm is to deny nature.

The wave of foreclosures that has swept from the Pacific to the Atlantic might be primed to make a more devastating return trip across the country, rather than dissipate in the shallow waters of the East Coast. The same factors that eroded the foundation of the residential mortgage sector is fast at work in the commercial real estate industry as well.

High-risk commercial loans causing negative amortization, a period where the mortgage payment doesn't cover the interest produced and the principal of the loan actually increases, are coming to term now and over the next few years, resulting in the foreclosure of large industrial properties and strip malls alike. The damage done to the economy from this development can only be imagined at this point, but once the swell is formed you can only clear its path.

Despite the severity of the matter, this is not the only cloud on Americas economic horizon. After amassing a substantial budget surplus over the past decades, Social Security (SS) will operate at a deficit of $10 billion for 2009 and $9 billion for 2010, a situation not seen since the 80's. Although payments will not be interrupted for recipients, the looming disaster for SS is the coming of age of baby-boomers, a demographic that will cause the system to pay out more benefits to retirees than taxation from the workforce currently provides, eventually depleting its reserves and becoming a financial liability for the government, requiring whatever administrations lap it falls in to make sweeping policy changes: disbanding the SS system, increasing tax rates or some compromise of the two.

In addition to these tropical storms approaching hurricane status, rumblings in the international marketplace regarding currency reserves could be the catalyst that starts a chain reaction. On the heels of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's announcement that Iran would conduct the calculation of its oil reserves in euros instead of American dollars, World Bank President Robbert B. Zoellick commented on the development, saying:

"The greenback’s fortunes will depend heavily on U.S. choices,” Mr. Zoellick said. “Will the United States resolve its debt problems without a resort to inflation? Can America establish long-term discipline over spending and its budget deficit?” (1)

The change in currency could signal a general distrust in the future and stability of the American economy, an outlook that many would be advantaged to consider rather than the fair winds and following seas that are commonly spouted from your evening weatherman.

(1) Andrews, Edmund L., September 28, 2009
"World Bank Head Sees Dollar's Role Diminishing," New York Times

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Main Stream Media?

The usage of media blackouts seem to have gained in popularity as of late, replacing adamant denial with outright claims of ignorance. As reference, a recent undercover video of two individuals, posing as pimp and prostitute, received advice on how to evade taxes, legitimize an illicit business, obtain home loans, etc. from employees of the community organization ACORN. This incident would be small time at best, but considering that 40% of ACORN revenue comes from government funding, a person could easily expect headline news, although there was little beyond the broadcasts of Fox News.

The emphasis here is not on the short comings of competition or to lavish praise on a successful news outlet, rather the intentions of each side. Why would some groups ignore a breaking news story while others would trample one another to be first in line? The simple answer is motive: agencies tend to marginalize subjects viewed as damaging while approving of those that are profitable.

But here is where there is confusion: if an agency holds stock in 'truth,' the organization is obligated to follow it where it may lead, regardless of the implications it may reveal. So why is there hesitation on the part of some if a story is truthful? The answer of course is that the agency does not hold interest in 'truth,' but rather in advocacy. The honesty of a subject is often disregarded if the outcome is not in line with the agencies policies.

The end result is this: if we gain our information from sources that take pride in advocacy in lieu of honesty, the conclusions we make will be the culmination of ideological entrenchment as opposed to a firm grip on reality.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Administration raises 10-year deficit to $9 trillion
February promise to cut deficit in half by end of first term

Let me begin this post by defining a budget deficit. If you decide to spend more money this month than you take in, you would be operating in a budget deficit. Although risky, these actions do have a place in business and personal life; we've all floated a check due to low balance or moved a debt onto credit cards to hold off payment till a later date. The choice of deficit is not necessarily right or wrong, but rather the outcome of circumstance.

The more important consideration of 'wise or foolish?' with these actions is often tied to the principal of the loan and the amount of time the debt will be outstanding. In the instance of a mortgage payment, needing money for groceries, etc., it is easy to understand the plight of the person in need, but when the debt is nearing the Gross Domestic Product and the term of the loan is in the parlance of generations, the ethical weight of the decision is increased exponentially.

Without making judgments as to the value of the myriad programs subsidized by the Federal government, it is still possible to look at the math of the subject objectively. The debt is simply too much.

The operation of all administrations during recent times have bought into the ideal of credit lines and payment deferral. When dealing with such an outlook the answer to the question of 'if' an entity will fail is obvious, the more intriguing inquiry is 'when?'